
The Product-Minded Software Engineer: A Key Asset for High-Impact Teams

In todays tech industry, successful engineers are product-minded, deeply involved in product decisions, user behavior, and business success, enhancing their teams impact.

In today’s fast-paced tech industry, being a skilled developer is no longer enough. The most successful engineers are those who take a deep interest in the product itself. These “product-minded” engineers are not just focused on coding; they care deeply about the “why” behind product decisions, user behavior, and the overall success of the business. They thrive on being involved in product discussions and often possess qualities that would make them excellent product managers, should they ever decide to shift gears.

I’ve had the privilege of working with many talented product-minded engineers, and I consider myself one as well. In companies aiming to build world-class products, these engineers elevate their teams to new heights of impact.

Why Product-Minded Engineers Are Critical

Sherif Mansour, a Product Manager at Atlassian, has written extensively about the importance of product-minded engineers. He emphasizes that these engineers are essential to building successful products and scaling product management efforts. Jean-Michel Lemieux, Head of Engineering at Shopify, echoes this sentiment, defining product engineers as those who are deeply engaged with the “why” of the product. They are driven by empathy and a desire to create magical user experiences, balancing technical execution with product vision.

Key Traits of Product-Minded Engineers

So, what makes an engineer truly product-minded? Based on my experience, here are nine traits that these engineers typically exhibit:

1. Proactive with Product Ideas and Opinions

Product-minded engineers don’t just execute on specifications; they actively engage with product ideas. They challenge existing plans and offer alternative approaches that might better serve the product’s goals.

2. Interest in Business and User Behavior

These engineers have a strong curiosity about how the business operates and how the product fits into the broader picture. They delve into user data, striving to understand how the product impacts users and contributes to the company’s success.

3. Curiosity and the “Why?” Mindset

Understanding the “why” behind product decisions is a hallmark of a product-minded engineer. They constantly ask questions to grasp the reasoning behind every feature and milestone, seeking out answers on their own or from product managers and other stakeholders.

4. Strong Communication and Relationships with Non-Engineers

Product-minded engineers build strong relationships across teams, frequently interacting with non-engineers to learn about their perspectives. They are effective communicators who are genuinely interested in understanding how different disciplines contribute to the product.

5. Offering Product and Engineering Tradeoffs

These engineers uniquely navigate the intersection of product and engineering. They suggest tradeoffs that optimize both product impact and engineering effort, often proposing entirely new features that balance these considerations.

6. Pragmatic Handling of Edge Cases

While some engineers overlook edge cases or get bogged down by them, product-minded engineers strike a balance. They assess the importance of edge cases and suggest pragmatic solutions that minimize engineering work while maintaining product quality.

7. Quick Product Validation Cycles

Product-minded engineers seek early feedback on their work, even before a feature is fully developed. They organize informal tests, like hallway testing or team bug bashes, to validate that their work aligns with user needs.

8. End-to-End Product Feature Ownership

These engineers take full responsibility for their features, from conception to post-launch analysis. They track how their features perform in the real world, making it a priority to understand and improve user outcomes.

9. Strong Product Instincts Through Repeated Learning Cycles

With each project, product-minded engineers refine their understanding of what makes a product successful. They apply these learnings to future projects, becoming go-to advisors for product managers and driving more impactful product decisions.

Tips for Becoming a More Product-Minded Engineer

If you’re an engineer working on a user-facing product, here are some actionable steps to develop your product-minded skills:

  • Understand Your Company’s Business Model: Learn how your company makes money, which parts of the business are most profitable, and how your team’s work contributes to overall success.

  • Build a Strong Relationship with Your Product Manager: Product managers appreciate engineers who show interest in the product. Establishing a good rapport with your product manager can lead to mentorship and greater involvement in product decisions.

  • Engage in User Research and Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration: Get involved in user research, customer support, and other areas where you can learn more about the product. Collaborate with designers, UX specialists, and data scientists to broaden your understanding.

  • Propose Well-Researched Product Suggestions: Once you have a solid grasp of the product and business, take the initiative to suggest improvements. Make sure your suggestions are backed by data and consider both product and engineering tradeoffs.

  • Seek Regular Feedback from Your Product Manager: To refine your product skills, ask for feedback from your product manager on your contributions and areas for improvement.

By cultivating these traits and taking these steps, any engineer can enhance their impact and become a more valuable, product-minded contributor to their team.

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