
How to staying alive if you are an ENTP?

​Hi! My name is Eugene. I’m an ENTP. This post about how to staying alive and even enjoy life in such circumstances :) Well, what is ENTP?

Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Perception

abbreviation, used for description personal typology Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

A fairly popular and time-tested technique for self-knowledge and building strong teams. There is not much information on this technique on the Russian-speaking Internet, but there are several free tests and the translation of the book "Do What You Are" by Paul Tieger with detailed examples of how awareness of your strengths and weaknesses can help you improve your quality of life and find yourself!

free test with a fun set of celebrities or art heroes with the same personality type. For example, Captain Jack Sparrow, Adam Savage from Mythbusters and Thomas Edison - ENTP. The minus of this test is that the results are called by some unclear roles, for example, entp there is called "Debateur". Which to say the least is not the most striking feature. The service is developed by the community, so the main thing to take from this test is to make the first approximation in order to understand yourself. First of all, your MBTI personality type.

16 personalities

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

is designed to determine the type of temperament - one of the most stable personality characteristics. The technique was developed in 1956 by David Keirsey, a professor at the University of California, who has been teaching and psychotherapeutic practice for thirty years. ru, en. For consolidation and understanding of brightness, there are forgiven and 70 questions in this test. The results of each test are saved, you can return to them if you remember the link. My results is – (ru)

"Do What You Are" by Paul Tieger

ru, en chapter from Paul Tieger’s book, “Do What You Were Born.” ENTP here are called in general: "Entrepreneurs of life."

Life as an ENTP

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